
  • To Soil Less is a family business that was founded by Richard Campbell in 2010. This company was founded to share gravel based growing techniques and practices with the agriculture and gardening communities.
  • The use of gravel in the cultivation of crops may represent the most resource efficient method of growing crops ever to exist. The ingredients are all natural and last a lifetime.
  • We offer our Geological Agriculture™ services to advice, demonstrate and implement how gravel based growing techniques can benefit of your organization.

GeoAg International and Domestic Media Links

  1. Forbes Miami –   The Concept Behind Geological Agriculture And How It Can Change The Way We Grow Food (
  2. US State Department – Senegal – blog about GeoAg: 
  3. Rwanda –
  4. Cameroon –
  5. Togo –   
  6. African Blog from USA –
  7. See media interviews and  22-day time-lapse training commercial shot and edited by a NASA videographer at the end of the 30-minute clip:
  8. Atlanta Journal and Constitution – Fulton County fights food deserts with libraries, rocks (
  9. WTOP Washington, DC – How to grow a garden in gravel | WTOP
  10. Bronx Community College – Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Sciences – Bronx Community College (

    To learn more, read the book: River Stones Grow Plants